Local Derby

Ten local authorities in Derbyshire, led by Derbyshire Sport, the County Sports Partnership, recently challenged SLC to help them to explore efficiency savings. The Derbyshire local authorities identified the current state of their respective cultural services  – sport, arts, museums, heritage and libraries – via a simple questionnaire. A number…

Heritage Change Programme For London

SLC has finalised the Heritage Change Programme Support Pack featuring guidance, toolkits and advice from the Heritage Change Programme on behalf of the London Cultural Improvement Programme (LCIP). The Heritage Change Programme (HCP) is part of the overall London Cultural Improvement Programme which is funded by Capital Ambition (London’s Regional…

Active People?

New participation figures from Sport England’s Active People Survey 4 paint a mixed picture of progress in grassroots sport, with strong growth in running and cycling but a drop in numbers for other major sports. Overall, the poor increase in participation numbers seen over the past five years continues, with…

Which way now?

Confidential support for service heads If you’re heading up a local government Culture and Sport Department, we don’t have to tell you these are tough times. You’ll probably be exploring how to find savings of up to 30-40% over the next couple of years. Some of you will be needing…

Exclusive New York Seminars

The Big Apple’s Approach to Parks and Recreation Autumn Seminars in London,  30 September and Birmingham 12 October. Duncan Wood-Allum invites you to SLC’s exclusive half day seminars highlighting a number of successful approaches that could be the inspiration for adapting ways of working in the sport, parks and leisure…