Pre-procurement condition surveys
Working in partnership with SLC, Set Square undertook condition surveys for North Kesteven District Council in support of a procurement process which SLC is leading to appoint new leisure operators.
North Kesteven had a requirement for a full condition survey of six leisure assets ranging from One NK comprising a variety of facilities including swimming pools, Council enquiry offices, and a theatre through to the Natural World Centre, purpose built and containing exhibition space, a conference centre and external nature board walk.
The same team of surveyors, services engineers, sports surfaces specialist and gymnasium equipment specialists were used to survey all the facilities over a number of days thereby ensuring familiarity, consistency and uniformity of approach.
The final report provided itemised and prioritised costs for 20 years which could be identified by element, location and year of spend and gave the functionality to model costs by priority and year to give the Council the ability to better appraise bidders’ submissions.